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Six of One has gone WIDE!

That's right, it's official. I've broken the chain of exclusivity with the All Powerful 'Zon and made the leap to selling the books to a wider audience. That means, the full series is now available pretty much anywhere you like to buy books online! More are being added every day, but for now that list includes: iTunes, B&N, Kobo and Amazon. I've also enrolled the series in several international subscription services (including Kobo's), even though I'm not sure how that really works. Hopefully this won't end up being a huge mistake, but for now I'm excited to be able to reach lots and lots more people. So, I'm desperate to get the word out! Here's a shiny new post with all the pretty covers on it. :D Books 1 & 2 are now on sale to celebrate the release of Book 3. Tell your friends to go find their new favorite ghost story!

Currently, my gay erotic romance novel, Arabesque, is still only available through Amazon. No plans to change that just yet, but possibly in the new year. For now, I'm excited to meet lots of new readers all over this fine world! Off we go! ~


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